Ropes, Running, Golf, and Pixar Sky

Happy Monday!

I started my day off at 7:30 to say bye to my dad before he left for a business trip to Michigan. He'll be back soon but I already miss him. At 9 AM, my mom and I attended our morning crossfit class.

AMRAP 15 mins (As many rounds as possible)
- 400 meter run
- 8 front squat Rx 115/75, I did 35
- 4 rope climbs

In the 15 minutes allotted to me, I completed 2 full rounds with 11 reps (400 m run counts as 1), so I was really close to being done with 3 rounds. It was a tough workout but I got it done. AND I finally figured out the rope position that I should be using!

Another "Pixar Sky Day" as seen from the golf course
Putting practice
Then, I went to Lone Tree Golf Club to practice my golf for an hour and a half. I practiced everything - chipping, sand shots, putting, and full swings. It was a beautiful day, and I have included some pictures from today below. (It's raining now as I'm posting this.. oh well!)

I am still looking for some help on how to study for the ACT. Any tips are greatly appreciated... Please comment below or send me a message!

QOTD: To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift. -Steve Prefontaine

I am excited for a good week!



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